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  - **设备选型**:选用市面上先进的4K高清摄像头,结合AI智能分析技术,能自动识别异常行为,提高监控效率。

  - **快速部署**:在短短两天内,缘通租赁的工程师团队完成了所有摄像头的安装调试工作,确保展会开幕前所有监控设备均处于最佳工作状态。

  - **灵活租赁**:根据智启未来的实际需求,提供了一个月的短期租赁服务,既满足了即时需求,又避免了长期持有带来的成本负担。

  - **无忧服务**:租赁期间,缘通租赁提供24小时客服支持及应急响应服务,确保展会期间的监控系统稳定运行。






  **A Successful Case of Surveillance Camera Rental in Chengdu, Sichuan**

  In the era of rapid digital security development, the rise of temporary surveillance needs poses challenges for many enterprises, projects, and events. Yuantong Rental, a leading surveillance equipment rental service provider in Chengdu, has successfully aided numerous enterprises and individuals in efficiently addressing surveillance needs, earning widespread acclaim in the market. Below, we share a real-life successful case of surveillance camera rental in Chengdu, Sichuan, showcasing how we swiftly built a solid security line for clients.

  **Case Background**:

  An emerging tech company, Zhiqi Future Technology Co., Ltd., located in Chengdus High-tech Zone, recently hosted a significant industry exhibition lasting one month. As one of the organizers, Zhiqi Future needed to ensure not only the smooth running of the exhibition but also rigorous safety control throughout the venue. However, its existing surveillance equipment was insufficient to cover the entire exhibition area, and purchasing new equipment was costly and time-consuming. Zhiqi Future turned to Yuantong Rental for a short-term surveillance camera rental solution.


  Upon receiving the request, Yuantong Rental promptly dispatched a professional team for site inspection and tailored a comprehensive rental plan based on the exhibition layout, crowd density, and security surveillance requirements. The plan included 4K HD cameras with AI smart analysis technology, night vision enhancement, remote monitoring management systems, and necessary installation materials, ensuring effective surveillance in every corner.

  - **Equipment Selection**: Utilized state-of-the-art 4K HD cameras with AI to automatically identify abnormal behaviors, enhancing surveillance efficiency.

  - **Rapid Deployment**: Completed installation and debugging within two days, ensuring all cameras were operational before the exhibition opened.

  - **Flexible Rental**: Offered a one-month short-term rental service, aligning with Zhiqi Futures immediate needs while avoiding long-term ownership costs.

  - **Worry-free Service**: Provided 24/7 customer support and emergency response during the rental period, ensuring the monitoring systems stable operation.

  **Customer Feedback**:

  After the exhibition, Zhiqi Future expressed high praise for Yuantong Rentals services. Yuantong Rental not only provided


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